Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rehabilitation Continues

River Commisioner Information

Dear Watermasters & Schedulers,
What a difference a year makes! From feast to famine.
I figured that an update letter would be good to catch everyone up, and to touch bases with you on our schedule and procedures.
First, Strawberry Water was first delivered on April 23, 2012. This is one of the earliest delivery dates in recent history. Central Utah Water Conservancy District has been working on the Sleeve Valves in Sixth Water since October of 2011. Many problems were encountered and the valves that were removed are still not operational at this time. One valve is in place and should be available for service this week. In the mean time, water is being delivered from the old Strawberry Tunnel. Delivery from the Strawberry Tunnel is restricted to 200 cfs. Today, May 1, 2012 we are delivering 160 cfs. One Sleeve Valve will deliver at least 350 cfs. It is anticipated that we will be able to deliver over 500 cfs combined between the old Strawberry Tunnel and one Sleeve Valve at Sixth Water this irrigation year and we will be in good shape. However, until the Sleeve Valve is in and operational, we are in a bit of a pickle. Hopefully that will change by this weekend.
Our storage in Strawberry Reservoir is absolutely full. We have a full 61,000 acre foot allotment, and a full 50,000 acre foot “Bank”. The “Bank” is to allow us to save water in times of plenty and then be able to utilize that water in times of shortage. It makes sense to use some of the banked water this year.
Also, Central Utah Water Conservancy District has made it known that those that have leased CUP water will be able to draw as much as 20% more water than their contracted amount, this year only.
These factors should help with an upcoming difficult year. As usual, please be vigilant in managing the water in your canal company. Let your appropriators know of the lack of natural flow in the river systems this year and encourage them to plan accordingly. Maintaining ditches and head gates to conserve water is critical.

May Board Agenda

Board of Director’s Meeting – Wednesday, May 9, 2012 7:00 p.m.
1.     Welcome and Introductions                                                                                7:00

2.     Approval of Minutes – April 11, 2012    

3.     POWER COMMITTEE                                                                                           7:10

a.    Lobbyist Report
b.    Generation
c.    Interconnect Agreement UAMPS

a.    River Commissioner’s Report
b.    Change of Place of Use Requests
c.    Signed Water Dedication Agreements (WDA)

5.     FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE                                                          7:50                                       
a.    Disbursements & Expenses
b.    Financial Reports & Investment

6.     WATER POLICIES COMMITTEE                                                                                    8:10

a.    Highline Canal Notice of Intent to enclose canal

7.     PROPERTIES & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE                                            8:30   

a.    Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects – Status Report
b.    Large Warehouse Report
c.    Friends of Strawberry – Kelly Lewis

8.     PUBLIC AFFAIRS                                                                                                   8:50

9.     EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                                                                                               9:10

10.  OTHER BUSINESS                                                                                                            9:20

April Board Minutes


 April 11, 2012
The Strawberry Water Users Association Board of Directors held a regular board meeting in the Association’s office at Payson, Utah, Wednesday, April 11, 2012, at 7:00 p.m.
Twelve directors were present with J. Merrill Hallam, Dan Ellsworth, Guy Larson, Scott Phillips being absent.  Jeremy Sorensen, and Shawn Thomas were in attendance.   Shawn Thomas recorded the minutes.
President Calvin Crandall conducted the meeting. Robert McMullin offered the invocation and Neil Sorensen led the group in the pledge of allegiance. President Crandall welcomed Neil Sorensen back and welcomed Jackson Crofts, Darrell Devy and Debbie Vanoy from Central Utah Water Conservancy District to the meeting also Trapper Burdick with Spanish Fork City
Approval of the Minutes 
Dale Rowley made a motion, seconded by Robert McMullin, approving the minutes of the regular board meeting held March 6, 2012.  It was unanimously approved.
CUWCD annual reprt on Diamond Fork System       Jackson Crofts and Darrell Devy reported on the status of repairs and improvements being made in the Diamond Fork System.
Jackson Crofts and Darrell Devy excused themselves from the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Properties and Development Committee
Spanish Fork City Construction Access request              Trapper Burdick with Spanish Fork City reported on the work currently being done through the Spanish Fork Diversion Dam property it should be complete within 30 to 45 days.  Spanish Fork City is requesting additional access from SWUA for their stream bank stabilization project near the diversion dam.
Blair Hamilton made a motion, seconded by Robert McMullin, approving access to Spanish Fork City for their stream bank stabilization project. It was unanimously approved.
Trapper excused himself from the meeting at 8:07 p.m.
Other   Chairman Quentin Francom reported that the committee recommends a new block retaining wall at the diversion dam. The diversion dam employees would complete the labor on the wall during their normal working hours. The recommendation is to have the wall complete before the new asphalt is done.
Quentin Francom made a motion, seconded by Neil Sorensen, approving $7,500 to purchase block for a retaining wall at the diversion dam. The motion failed.
There was discussion with the board that the committee should look at all options for the retaining wall including finding funding for the block.
Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects       Chairman Quentin Francom reported on the Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects and photos of the projects were shown.
Large Warehouse     Chairman Quentin Francom asked if the board wants to pursue a judgment bond against Bella Granite.
Quentin Francom made a motion, seconded by Robert McMullin, approving SWUA pursue a judgment against Bella Granite. It was unanimously approved.
Zion’s bank is temporarily paying the rent on the warehouse while they deal with Bella Granite’s inventory.
Robert McMullin suggested you get the cost from the attorney to file a judgment.
Other   Chairman Francom reported that staff has received bids to trim the tree’s at the Spanish Fork Power Plant.
Quentin Francom made a motion, seconded by Jesse Warren, approving the bid for $2,800 to trim the tree’s at the Spanish Fork Power Plant. It was unanimously approved.
Diamond Fork Gauging Station      Chairman Francom reported that Jeremy Sorensen had an appointment with Reed Murray to discuss the proposed Diamond Fork Gauging station. During the meeting it was determined that the project would be approved.
Friends of Strawberry           Kelly Lewis reported on the Friends of Strawberry meeting.
Water Policy Committee
BOR policy update (Footnote 6 changes)  Chairman Garry Brown reported that SWUA has submitted comments on footnote 6. If you would like a copy talk to Jeremy.
Other   Chairman Brown reported that Jeremy met with SUVMWA’s engineer and discussed ground water recharge.
Chairman Brown reported that Jeremy has been in discussions with Payson City concerning the Old Fields water exchange. Jeremy spoke with Shawn Draney about this and Shawn suggested that Payson City/Strawberry High Line Canal Company and SWUA meet and discuss this issue so that everyone understands what is being requested and how to accomplish the task so that it will work for everyone.
Chairman Brown reported that a meeting was held recently to discuss creating a Water District in south Utah County. Jeremy attended the meeting.
Chairman Brown reminded everyone about the Canal Companies Coalition meeting tomorrow night.
Finance Committee
Disbursements and Expenses
Garry Brown made a motion, seconded by Robert McMullin, approving payment of the invoices, and checks previously written as presented.  It was unanimously approved.
Financial Reports and Investments Chairman Kevin Anderson reported that we received a check for $6,400 from DBSI. SWUA’s ownership has been increased in Highlands at Spectrum we should receive a check in August for approximately $10,000. The committee is still working with Colton.
Resolution for change in signers with financial services.
Kelly Lewis made a motion, seconded by Blair Hamilton, approving the SWUA President, Vice-President, Finance Committee chairman and the Secretary/Treasurer become signers on all financial services, and to create a corporate resolution if needed.  It was unanimously approved.
Irrigation Committee
River Commissioner's Report           Chairman Jesse Warren reviewed the Spanish Fork River Commissioner’s written report that is maintained in SWUA’s files.  
Change of Place of Use and Water Deeds          
Garry Brown made a motion, seconded by Robert McMullin, approving:
1.    A Water Deed request made by Blake and Sara Ross to Richard Behling Serial No. 337.080 for a total of .65 acre feet.
2.    A Water Deed request made by Nebo School District to LDS Church Serial No. 3517.002 for a total of 4.68 acre feet.
            It was unanimously approved.
Signed Water Dedication Agreements (WDA)
There were forty eight Water Dedication Agreements presented to be ratified by the board:
·        48 from Payson City/Strawberry High Line Canal Company for a combined total of 39.80 acre feet
  A listing of these agreements will be kept in the SWUA files.
Blair Hamilton made a motion, seconded by Neil Sorensen, to ratify the Water Dedication Agreements presented to the board.  It was unanimously approved.
Assessments             Chairman Warren reported that it has been suggested that delinquent CUP contracts be cancelled and that the outstanding balance be sent to collections.
Quentin Francom made a motion, seconded by Neil Sorensen, approving the CUP contracts that are currently delinquent be cancelled and the balance owing be sent for collections.  It was unanimously approved.
Chairman Warren reported that the Utah Water Users Workshop meetings were very beneficial this year. J. Merrill Hallam was awarded the Outstanding Water Users at the banquet.
Power Committee
Other   Vice Chairman Neil Sorensen reported that the Payson Power Plant is back on line. The cost for repairs was approximately $6,000.

Lobbyist Report  Chairman Sorensen reported current activities with Bill Simmons.

It has been suggested that SWUA send two people to Washington, D.C. to testify on behalf of SWUA inn a hearing dealing with upstream costs on Diamond Fork.

Neil Sorensen made a motion, seconded by Kevin Anderson, approving the funds to send Calvin Crandall and Jeremy Sorensen to Washington, D.C. to testify at a hearing dealing with Diamond Fork.  It was unanimously approved.
Other   Chairman Sorensen reported that meetings have begun on the lease of power privilege between CUWCD/SESD and SWUA.

Public Affairs Committee No report.     
Executive Committee        No report.
Other Business                  
President Calvin Crandall reported that Debbie Vanoy with CUWCD will be attending our monthly board meetings.  Debbie was excused from the meeting at 9:17 p.m.
President Crandall discussed the board’s actions and responsibilities.
President Crandall reported that Taffy Peterson’s last day is this Friday.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm.