Saturday, April 7, 2012
SWUA Rehabilitation Projects
Moderate winter weather has enabled SWUA contruction team to complete many rehabilitation projects throughout the valley. These gaps were cut and re-poured on the John Beck farm in Benjamin.

Canal Coalition Meeting
The canal company coalition meeting will meet April 12, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the SWUA offices. All canal companies are encouraged to have representation present. Issues affecting all water companies will be addressed. Updates on the current foot note 6 comment window will be discussed.
April Board Agenda Posted
Board of Director’s Meeting – Wednesday, April 11, 2012 7:00 p.m.
1. Welcome and Introductions 7:00
2. Approval of Minutes – March 6, 2012
3. CUWCD annual report on Diamond Fork System 7:10
a. Spanish Fork City Construction Access request
b. Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects – Status Report
c. Large Warehouse Report
d. Friends of Strawberry – Kelly Lewis
a. BOR policy update (Footnote 6 changes)
b. Return Flows
a. Disbursements & Expenses
b. Financial Reports & Investment
a. River Commissioner’s Report
b. Change of Place of Use Requests
c. Signed Water Dedication Agreements (WDA)
a. Lobbyist Report
b. Generation
a. Canal Company Coalition Reminder 4/12/2012
Board of Director’s Meeting – Wednesday, April 11, 2012 7:00 p.m.
1. Welcome and Introductions 7:00
2. Approval of Minutes – March 6, 2012
3. CUWCD annual report on Diamond Fork System 7:10
a. Spanish Fork City Construction Access request
b. Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects – Status Report
c. Large Warehouse Report
d. Friends of Strawberry – Kelly Lewis
a. BOR policy update (Footnote 6 changes)
b. Return Flows
a. Disbursements & Expenses
b. Financial Reports & Investment
a. River Commissioner’s Report
b. Change of Place of Use Requests
c. Signed Water Dedication Agreements (WDA)
a. Lobbyist Report
b. Generation
a. Canal Company Coalition Reminder 4/12/2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
March Board Minutes
March 6, 2012
The Strawberry Water Users Association Board of Directors held a regular board meeting in the Association’s office at Payson, Utah, Tuesday, March 6, 2012, at 7:00 p.m.
Twelve directors were present with Neil Sorensen, Dan Ellsworth, Jesse Warren, Robert McMullin being absent. Jeremy Sorensen, Shawn Thomas and Ed Vidmar with The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) were also in attendance. Shawn Thomas recorded the minutes.
President Calvin Crandall conducted the meeting. Dale Rowley offered the invocation and Kelly Lewis led the group in the pledge of allegiance.
Approval of the Minutes
Dale Rowley made a motion, seconded by Garry Brown, approving the minutes of the regular board meeting held February 8, 2012 with noted changes. It was unanimously approved.
Power Committee
Lobbyist Report President Crandall reported on the trip to Washington D.C. concerning the tax legislation.
Generation Vice Chairman Dan Williams reported that he took individuals from Hydro Power Capital on a tour of potential generation sites.
J. Merrill Hallam arrived to the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Vice Chairman Dan Williams reported that the Payson Power Plant is back on line. The board viewed pictures of the progress of work at the Payson plant.
Irrigation Committee
River Commissioner's Report Dale Rowley reviewed the Spanish Fork River Commissioner’s written report that is maintained in SWUA’s files.
Assessments Dale reported that when assessments are billed for this year the annual interest will be again applied. It had been removed for two years to allow the cities to pay up on late assessments and try to get those accounts signed up on WDA’s.
Dale reported that CUWCD has indicated that because of additional work needed on the sleeve valves the completion date has been moved back to approximately April 16th.
We have received CUWCD’s O&M bill it is approximately $159,402.
Dam Tenders Training Jeremy Sorensen reported that the BOR’s Dam Tender training is coming up and he would like to send one employee.
Blair Hamilton made a motion, seconded by Quentin Francom, approving the funds to send one employee to the BOR Dam Tenders training. It was unanimously approved.
Change of Place of Use and Water Deeds No requests.
Signed Water Dedication Agreements (WDA)
There were twenty four Water Dedication Agreements presented to be ratified by the board:
• 50 from Payson City/Strawberry High Line Canal Company for a combined total of 59.31 acre feet
A listing of these agreements will be kept in the SWUA files.
Guy Larson made a motion, seconded by Scott Phillips, to ratify the Water Dedication Agreements presented to the board. It was unanimously approved.
Finance Committee
Disbursements and Expenses
Dale Rowley made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving payment of the invoices, and checks previously written as presented. It was unanimously approved.
Financial Reports and Investments Chairman Kevin Anderson reported on SWUA’s investments.
Water Policy Committee
Other Chairman Garry Brown reported that House Bill 485 requires all parties to sign the change application on federal water.
Chairman Brown reported on the Family Farm Alliance annual conference held in Las Vegas. A lot of time was spent discussing the proposed footnote 6 changes.
Properties and Development Committee
Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects Chairman Quentin Francom reported on the Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects and then photos of the projects were shown.
Large Warehouse Chairman Quentin Francom reported that the possession bond is being processed on the large warehouse. Guy Larson suggested that two people be present when Bella Granite moves from the warehouse. Dale Rowley suggested putting new locks on the warehouse.
Scott Phillips made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving the attorney move forward with the possession bond. It was unanimously approved.
Vacant SWUA Home Chairman Francom reported that the committee recommends renting the vacant SWUA home to Justin White for $550 per month Mr. White would have the utilities changed over into his name.
Scott Phillips made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving renting the vacant SWUA home to Justin White for $550 per month he pays the utilities and a $550 deposit and sign a rental contract. It was unanimously approved.
Diamond Fork Gauging Station Chairman Francom reported that Jeremy Sorensen has an appointment next week to meet with Reed Murray to discuss the status of the proposed Diamond Fork Gauging station.
Friends of Strawberry No report.
Public Affairs Committee
Chairman J. Merrill Hallam indicated that if anyone has ideas or something they would like posted to the blog get it to J. Merrill.
Other Business
Jeremy Sorensen reported that he recently spoke with Gene Shawcroft concerning the issue of CUWCD possibly going back under the umbrella of the BOR. Mr. Shawcroft asked if SWUA would support CUWCD in whatever decision they make.
The board discussed this issue at length. The question was asked if CUWCD would lose their current federal funding or if it would be transferred to the BOR’s budget.
Guy Larson made a motion, seconded by Blair Hamilton, approving SWUA take a neutral position on the issue of CUWCD possibly going back under the umbrella of the BOR. The motion failed with a vote of five in favor and six against.
Garry Brown made a motion, seconded by Scott Phillips, approving SWUA support CUWCD as long as it is in the best interest of SWUA shareholders, and south Utah County. It was unanimously approved.
Committee Assignments
President Crandall handed out committee assignments and gave everyone time to look over their respective assignments.
Dale Rowley made a motion seconded by Kevin Anderson to approve the SWUA committee assignments. It was unanimously approved.
Quentin Francom asked if footnote 6 is going to be a discussion item at the Utah Water Users conference in St. George this month. Blair Hamilton responded that footnote 6 is not on the agenda to discuss.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
March 6, 2012
The Strawberry Water Users Association Board of Directors held a regular board meeting in the Association’s office at Payson, Utah, Tuesday, March 6, 2012, at 7:00 p.m.
Twelve directors were present with Neil Sorensen, Dan Ellsworth, Jesse Warren, Robert McMullin being absent. Jeremy Sorensen, Shawn Thomas and Ed Vidmar with The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) were also in attendance. Shawn Thomas recorded the minutes.
President Calvin Crandall conducted the meeting. Dale Rowley offered the invocation and Kelly Lewis led the group in the pledge of allegiance.
Approval of the Minutes
Dale Rowley made a motion, seconded by Garry Brown, approving the minutes of the regular board meeting held February 8, 2012 with noted changes. It was unanimously approved.
Power Committee
Lobbyist Report President Crandall reported on the trip to Washington D.C. concerning the tax legislation.
Generation Vice Chairman Dan Williams reported that he took individuals from Hydro Power Capital on a tour of potential generation sites.
J. Merrill Hallam arrived to the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Vice Chairman Dan Williams reported that the Payson Power Plant is back on line. The board viewed pictures of the progress of work at the Payson plant.
Irrigation Committee
River Commissioner's Report Dale Rowley reviewed the Spanish Fork River Commissioner’s written report that is maintained in SWUA’s files.
Assessments Dale reported that when assessments are billed for this year the annual interest will be again applied. It had been removed for two years to allow the cities to pay up on late assessments and try to get those accounts signed up on WDA’s.
Dale reported that CUWCD has indicated that because of additional work needed on the sleeve valves the completion date has been moved back to approximately April 16th.
We have received CUWCD’s O&M bill it is approximately $159,402.
Dam Tenders Training Jeremy Sorensen reported that the BOR’s Dam Tender training is coming up and he would like to send one employee.
Blair Hamilton made a motion, seconded by Quentin Francom, approving the funds to send one employee to the BOR Dam Tenders training. It was unanimously approved.
Change of Place of Use and Water Deeds No requests.
Signed Water Dedication Agreements (WDA)
There were twenty four Water Dedication Agreements presented to be ratified by the board:
• 50 from Payson City/Strawberry High Line Canal Company for a combined total of 59.31 acre feet
A listing of these agreements will be kept in the SWUA files.
Guy Larson made a motion, seconded by Scott Phillips, to ratify the Water Dedication Agreements presented to the board. It was unanimously approved.
Finance Committee
Disbursements and Expenses
Dale Rowley made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving payment of the invoices, and checks previously written as presented. It was unanimously approved.
Financial Reports and Investments Chairman Kevin Anderson reported on SWUA’s investments.
Water Policy Committee
Other Chairman Garry Brown reported that House Bill 485 requires all parties to sign the change application on federal water.
Chairman Brown reported on the Family Farm Alliance annual conference held in Las Vegas. A lot of time was spent discussing the proposed footnote 6 changes.
Properties and Development Committee
Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects Chairman Quentin Francom reported on the Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects and then photos of the projects were shown.
Large Warehouse Chairman Quentin Francom reported that the possession bond is being processed on the large warehouse. Guy Larson suggested that two people be present when Bella Granite moves from the warehouse. Dale Rowley suggested putting new locks on the warehouse.
Scott Phillips made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving the attorney move forward with the possession bond. It was unanimously approved.
Vacant SWUA Home Chairman Francom reported that the committee recommends renting the vacant SWUA home to Justin White for $550 per month Mr. White would have the utilities changed over into his name.
Scott Phillips made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving renting the vacant SWUA home to Justin White for $550 per month he pays the utilities and a $550 deposit and sign a rental contract. It was unanimously approved.
Diamond Fork Gauging Station Chairman Francom reported that Jeremy Sorensen has an appointment next week to meet with Reed Murray to discuss the status of the proposed Diamond Fork Gauging station.
Friends of Strawberry No report.
Public Affairs Committee
Chairman J. Merrill Hallam indicated that if anyone has ideas or something they would like posted to the blog get it to J. Merrill.
Other Business
Jeremy Sorensen reported that he recently spoke with Gene Shawcroft concerning the issue of CUWCD possibly going back under the umbrella of the BOR. Mr. Shawcroft asked if SWUA would support CUWCD in whatever decision they make.
The board discussed this issue at length. The question was asked if CUWCD would lose their current federal funding or if it would be transferred to the BOR’s budget.
Guy Larson made a motion, seconded by Blair Hamilton, approving SWUA take a neutral position on the issue of CUWCD possibly going back under the umbrella of the BOR. The motion failed with a vote of five in favor and six against.
Garry Brown made a motion, seconded by Scott Phillips, approving SWUA support CUWCD as long as it is in the best interest of SWUA shareholders, and south Utah County. It was unanimously approved.
Committee Assignments
President Crandall handed out committee assignments and gave everyone time to look over their respective assignments.
Dale Rowley made a motion seconded by Kevin Anderson to approve the SWUA committee assignments. It was unanimously approved.
Quentin Francom asked if footnote 6 is going to be a discussion item at the Utah Water Users conference in St. George this month. Blair Hamilton responded that footnote 6 is not on the agenda to discuss.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
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