Tuesday, March 20, 2012

SWUA General Manager Elected to State Board

Jeremy Sorensen, SWUA general manager was elected to the Utah Water Users Association board of directors at the annual meeting held recently in St. George. Jeremy will represent water associations on the board. He joins long time board member Blair Hamilton on the board. SWUA will be well represented within the state on water issues.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March River Report

Precipitation at the Spanish Fork Power Plant for the month of February 2012 was 2.40 in. compared to 1.91 in. February 2011. Precipitation at the Power Plant was about average.

Today, March 5, 2012, the natural flow of the Spanish Fork River is approximately 105 cfs. Last year at this time the Spanish Fork River was flowing about 90 cfs. Delivery from Strawberry Reservoir today is approximately 35 cfs for minimum fish flows. Total flow in the Spanish Fork River today is about 140 cfs.

Snow pack in the Spanish Fork drainage is still below average. Most locations report around 60% of average snow water content. In most years, snow pack that we receive after the first of March doesn’t help much with our run-off in the spring. Snow at this time of year can be heavy, but it melts just about as fast as it came. So now we wait to see what kind of weather spring brings us.

The Mapleton / Springville Lateral canal gate has developed a crack and must be replaced. Upon inspection, there have been a few options discussed, but we have not made a decision as to how to repair or replace it, but we will work with the canal companies and get it fixed before the irrigation season begins.

John F. Mendenhall,
Spanish Fork Water Commissioner

Friday, March 2, 2012

Calvin Crandall Elected President For 2012

Cavin Crandall was elected president of the SWUA association at the February board meeting. Quintin Francom was elected vice president and Jeremy Sorensen was elected as general manager. These postions are voted on each year by the board of directors.

Utah Water Users Association Workshop

Monday, March 12, 2012
8:30 am Golf Tournament
Valderra Golf Club at the Ledges, St. George, Utah
2:00-7:00 pm Registration for Workshop in the lobby of the Dixie Center
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
7:00 am-1:30 pm Registration for Workshop
7:30-8:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:30-8:35 am Welcome – Utah Water Users Association – Carly Burton, Garden Room
8:35-9:35 am General Session A— National Water Issues—Tom Donnelly, Garden Room
9:35-10:00 am Break—Refreshments in Vendor Exhibit Hall
Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Sunbrook Entrada Auditorium Garden
A C E F A/B B/C Room
10:00 am *1 30 21 37 33 10 42
11:00 am 2 12 20 32 26 34 43 *5
11:45-1:00 pm Lunch on your own [**Note: Lunch available at Dixie Center**]
1:00 pm *6 38 22 24 *14 35 41
2:00 pm *6 13 29 36 27 17 *1
3:00 pm - - 4 5 39 25 40
4:00-5:00 pm Utah Water Users Association Business Meeting in Sunbrook A/B
Financial Report—Election of Officers
6:30 pm Banquet—Entertainment—Ryan Shupe & “The Rubber Bands”
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
7:00-9:00 am Registration for Workshop
8:30-am General Session B—Utah Water Outlook—Randy Julander and Brian McInerney, Garden Room
9:30-10:00 am Break—Refreshments in Vendor Exhibit Hall
Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Sunbrook Entrada Auditorium
10:00 am 16 3 7 15 28 *14 11
11:00 am 9 8 18 23 19 31 44
12:00 noon Lunch on your own – Meeting adjourned
2:00 pm Board of Water Resources Meeting, Crystal Inn

Unofficial February Board Meeting Minutes Posted For Board Approval


February 8, 2012
The Strawberry Water Users Association Board of Directors held a regular board meeting in the Association’s office at Payson, Utah, Wednesday, February 8, 2012, at 7:00 p.m.
Thirteen directors were present with Neil Sorensen, Dale Rowley, Robert McMullin being absent. Jeremy Sorensen, Shawn Thomas and Alan Christensen with The Bureau of Reclamation were also in attendance. Shawn Thomas recorded the minutes.
President Calvin Crandall conducted the meeting. Garry Brown offered the invocation and Dan Ellsworth led the group in the pledge of allegiance.
Approval of the Minutes
Jesse Warren made a motion, seconded by Quentin Francom, approving the minutes of the regular board meeting held January 11, 2012. It was unanimously approved.
Blair Hamilton indicated that during the January board meeting he reported that he has one year remaining on his term on the Utah Water Users board. That is not correct this is the last year of that term.
Guy Larson asked how much is budgeted for wages in 2012, and requested a copy of the average budgeted wages for 2012.
Properties and Development Committee
Large Warehouse Chairman Quentin Francom reported that the occupant of the large warehouse has indicated that he would pay $7,000 for back rent in addition to the current rent for three months. The attorney is drafting an agreement with the payment arrangements as stated. If the payment schedule is not followed they will be evicted.
Dan Ellsworth suggested we work with the renters to get an agreement in place.
Scott Phillips arrived at the meeting at 7:16 p.m.
Quentin Francom made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving the attorney draft an agreement outlining the payment schedule with the renter of the large warehouse. It was unanimously approved.
Friends of Strawberry Kelly Lewis reported on the Friends of Strawberry meeting.
Chairman Francom reported that the committee held a special meeting as instructed by the board to review the budget. There were only three committee members in attendance and they recommended no change to the budget.
Alan Christensen reported that the permit for the gauging station in diamond fork has been declined, and delivered a letter to that fact.
Guy Larson made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, remanding the gauging station issue back to the committee for further review. It was unanimously approved.
Water Policy Committee
BOR Policy Update - Footnote 6 Chairman Garry Brown reported on meetings concerning footnote 6.
Return Flows Chairman Garry Brown reported that a determination will be made by the appellate court on the return flow issue in the near future.
Finance Committee
Disbursements and Expenses
Dan Williams made a motion, seconded by Scott Phillips, approving payment of the invoices, and checks previously written as presented. It was unanimously approved.
Financial Reports and Investments Vice Chairman Blair Hamilton reported on SWUA’s investments.
Health Insurance: Vice Chairman Blair Hamilton reported that the committee recommends staying with the current health insurance plan.
Jesse Warren made a motion to keep the current health insurance carrier for employees with Blue Cross Innova for another year. Kelly Lewis seconded and the board approved.
Other: A hearing is scheduled in Washington, D.C. on February 16th and 17th to discuss tax legislation it is recommended that Jeremy Sorensen and President Calvin Crandall attend.
Quentin Francom made a motion, seconded by Dan Williams, approving the funds for Jeremy Sorensen and Calvin Crandall to attend hearings in Washington, D.C. It was unanimously approved.
Kevin Anderson arrived at the meeting at 7:52 p.m.
Irrigation Committee
River Commissioner's Report Chairman Jesse Warren reviewed the Spanish Fork River Commissioner’s written report that is maintained in SWUA’s files.
Change of Place of Use and Water Deeds
Quentin Francom made a motion, seconded by Dan Williams, approving:
1.A Water Deed request made by Eric Eaton to Strawberry Water Users Association Serial No. 1573.025 for a total of .23 acre feet.
Guy Larson made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving:

2.A Water Deed request made by Robert McMullin to McMullin Orchards Serial No. 3406.010 for a total of .65 acre feet.
It was unanimously approved.
Guy Larson made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving:
3. A Water Deed request made by Gregory Smith Trustee of the HHS Trust to Gregory Smith Serial No. 808.010 for a total of 4.15 acre feet.
It was unanimously approved.
Garry Brown made a motion, seconded by Quentin Francom, approving:
4. A Water Deed request made by Wayne Steadman to Myrl Silcox Serial No. 274.011 for a total of 2.06 acre feet.
It was approved with Jesse Warren and Robert Riding opposed.
Power Committee
Generation Vice Chairman Dan Williams reported on the hydro generation for January 2012.

Vice Chairman Dan Williams reported on the repairs being done at the Payson Power Plant.

Public Affairs Committee
Chairman J. Merrill Hallam gave the board an overview of the blog. If anyone has ideas or something they would like posted get it to J. Merrill.
Guy Larson and Kevin Anderson expressed appreciation to J. Merrill for the work time he has dedicated to create and update the blog.
Election of Officers
Kelly Lewis made a motion, seconded by Jesse Warren, approving the current officers be put back in for another term. It was unanimously approved.
March Board Meeting The March board meeting was rescheduled to Tuesday, March 6th due to a conflict with the Utah Water Users Workshop in St. George.
Guy Larson made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving President Calvin Crandall support Blair Hamilton on the Utah Water Users Association board for another year. It was unanimously approved.

A reminder was given to all board members to complete their conflict of interest forms, and to bring in the corporate resolutions.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.

Date Approved Jeremy Sorensen, Secretary/Treasurer

March Board Meeting Agenda Posted

Board of Director’s Meeting
Tuesday, March 6, 2012 7:00 p.m.
1. Welcome and Introductions 7:00

2. Approval of Minutes – February 8, 2012


a. Lobbyist Report
b. Generation


a. River Commissioner’s Report
b. Change of Place of Use Requests
c. Signed Water Dedication Agreements (WDA)


a. Disbursements & Expenses
b. Financial Reports & Investment


a. BOR policy update (Footnote 6 changes)
b. Return Flows


a. Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects – Status Report
b. Large Warehouse Report
c. Vacant SWUA Home
d. Friends of Strawberry – Kelly Lewis




a. Committee Assignments
b. Family Farm Alliance Meeting Report
c. Washington D.C. Visit Report