Monday, October 31, 2016

SWUA constructed time line of events and discusions

September 5, 1997 US BOR/Department of the Interior "Issue Paper" written by US BOR/Department of the Interior Legal Team to outline "Strawberry Valley Project Conversion from Irrigation to Municipal and Industrial Water"
SUVMUA Sign Contract with CUWCD (After working with SWUA to sign a contract)
BOR Refusal to work on Diamond Fork Power following passage of the Bonneville Unit Clean Hydropower Facilitation Act by Congress and signed into Law by the President on July 18, 2013
2013 CUWCD Requests the CUPCA Office to take responsibility of SVP and amend repayment contracts in November 7, 2013 document titled, "Central Utah Water Project Redefining Relationships which was presented to Department of the Interior Assistant Secretary Anne Castle dated November 7, 2013
2013 Cities and SHLCC Request an audit of SWUA in October 23, 2013 letter to the US Department of the Interior.  Purpose of the Audit is to establish a process by which the Department of the Interior would determine who owns private assets i.e. land, water, money currently owned and controlled by the SWUA
BOR creates outline for Steps to assign SWUA contracts to CUWCD and Others
2015-01-28 Meeting between BOR and CUWCD on Audit.  It is suggested by the parties that the BOR needs to be more aggressive toward SWUA.  (Also suggests SWUA's Banked water is illegal.)
2015 BOR drafts Letter to Assign OM&R of 46KV line to SUVPS
2015 BOR Memo to Transfer OM&R from SWUA & SHLCC to CUWCD
2016 BOR suggests legislation that will allow disposal of Project lands to be sold or given to other projects.  (No permission would be needed from repayment entity in charge of the project)
Mayors Push to have the audit and then do ADR.  (My conversation with Owen Walker states that the BOR will enforce anything that is their interpretation of the Contracts)