Long term
SWUA board member Blair R. Hamilton is currently representing Strawberry Water Users Association and president of the Utah Water Users Association. Blair has served on the
UWUA for over twenty years and was elected president at last years meeting.
UWUA is a state steering committee comprised of water board members from water associations, water districts and municipalities from across the state. The board meets regularly on issues related to water policy, distribution, conservation and gives
im-put to state officials on legislative
decisions that impact water resources. The board continually spearheads projects that will develop and conserve the states water resources and is in the fore-front of open discussions and dialog with other state
agencies which impact the states water supply.
UWUA sponsors water workshops throughout the state on a
myriad of topics ranging from
aquisition, protection, development and return flows. Strawberry Water Users supports and recognizes the value of participation in these types of associations and forums in the proactive perpetuation of good water management.