Friday, February 3, 2012

Unofficial January Board Meeting Minutes Posted For Board Approval


January 11, 2012
The Strawberry Water Users Association Board of Directors held a regular board meeting in the Association’s office at Payson, Utah, Wednesday, January 11, 2012, at 7:00 p.m.
Thirteen directors were present with Neil Sorensen, Dan Williams, Dale Rowley being absent. Jeremy Sorensen, Shawn Thomas, Ed Vidmar with The Bureau of Reclamation were also in attendance. Shawn Thomas recorded the minutes.
President Calvin Crandall conducted the meeting. President Crandall offered the invocation and Kevin Anderson led the group in the pledge of allegiance.

Approval of the Minutes
Blair Hamilton made a motion, seconded by Kevin Anderson, approving the minutes of the regular board meeting as amended held December 13, 2011. It was unanimously approved.
President Crandall introduced Niel Strong with Strong & Strong, LC.
Fiscal Year End 9/30/2011 - Audited Financial Statement Niel Strong with Strong & Strong, LC reviewed the draft audited financial statement for the year ending September 30, 2011.
J. Merrill Hallam arrived at the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Mr. Strong excused himself from the meeting.

Power Committee
Generation Chairman Robert McMullin reported on the hydro generation for December 2011.
Chairman McMullin reported that the Payson Power Plant went down on December 16th and may be down for two to three months. The repairs are expected to cost approximately $10,000. Chairman McMullin gave an update on activities with Bill Simmons.
Other Chairman McMullin expressed appreciation to staff for their work on the proposed budget.

Irrigation Committee
River Commissioner's Report Chairman Jesse Warren reviewed the Spanish Fork River Commissioner’s written report that is maintained in SWUA’s files.
2012 Delivery Charge Chairman Warren reported that the committee recommends increasing the delivery fee by .49 cents. That will make the fee for 2012 $5.00 per acre foot.
Robert Riding made a motion, seconded by Jesse Warren, to increase the 2012 delivery fee by .49 cents this will bring the total fee to $5.00 per foot. It was approved with Kelly Lewis opposed.
Other The annual State Engineers meeting will be held January 24th at 10:00 a.m. at the High Chaparral Building in Spanish Fork.

Finance Committee
Disbursements and Expenses
Robert McMullin made a motion, seconded by Quentin Francom, approving payment of the invoices, and checks previously written as presented. It was unanimously approved.
Financial Reports and Investments Chairman Kevin Anderson reported on SWUA’s investments.
Robert McMullin made a motion, seconded by Scott Phillips, approving the budget with the recommended breakdown on costs and revenue. It was unanimously approved.
Scott Phillips asked what the plans are for the occupants in the large warehouse due to non payment. Robert McMullin gave staff the number for an attorney to call and get a recommendation.
Colton Capital Call Chairman Anderson reported that staff sent a letter requesting additional information but have not received a response.

Water Policy Committee
BOR Policy Update - Footnote 6 Chairman Garry Brown reported that a meeting is scheduled for January 12th with the local cities to discuss footnote 6.
Return Flows Chairman Garry Brown reported that the next hearing date is January 26, 2012.
Quentin Francom made a motion, seconded by Jesse Warren, approving SWUA work with SHLCC on their request to lien properties with outstanding balances. It was unanimously approved.

Properties and Development Committee
Large Warehouse Chairman Quentin Francom reported that the committee recommends SWUA evict the occupants in the large warehouse for nonpayment.
Jesse Warren made a motion, seconded by Garry Brown, approving the eviction of the occupants in the large warehouse for nonpayment and contact council for legal recommendation. It was unanimously approved.

Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects No report.
Kelly Lewis reported on the Friends of Strawberry meeting.
Other Ed Vidmar reported that the pipeline being installed by Spanish Fork City at the mouth of Spanish Fork canyon must be installed underground.

Public Affairs Committee
Robert McMullin made a motion, seconded by Jesse Warren, approving a resolution for Clair Anderson. It was unanimously approved.
SWUA Annual Meeting Chairman J. Merrill Hallam suggested that that the location for the annual meeting be rotated each year. Generally schools can be scheduled for these types of events at low to no cost.

President Crandall asked Blair Hamilton how much longer his term is for the Utah Water Users Association. Blair reported that he has one more year remaining.
Process for the Election of Officers Reviewed Directors that desire to be an officer of SWUA need to declare their candidacy to the SWUA office two weeks before the February 8th SWUA board meeting and the names of those candidates will be distributed to all directors after the two week window expires by phone, email, etc.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.

Date Approved Jeremy Sorensen, Secretary Treasurer

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