Monday, March 12, 2012
8:30 am Golf Tournament
Valderra Golf Club at the Ledges, St. George, Utah
2:00-7:00 pm Registration for Workshop in the lobby of the Dixie Center
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
7:00 am-1:30 pm Registration for Workshop
7:30-8:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:30-8:35 am Welcome – Utah Water Users Association – Carly Burton, Garden Room
8:35-9:35 am General Session A— National Water Issues—Tom Donnelly, Garden Room
9:35-10:00 am Break—Refreshments in Vendor Exhibit Hall
Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Sunbrook Entrada Auditorium Garden
A C E F A/B B/C Room
10:00 am *1 30 21 37 33 10 42
11:00 am 2 12 20 32 26 34 43 *5
11:45-1:00 pm Lunch on your own [**Note: Lunch available at Dixie Center**]
1:00 pm *6 38 22 24 *14 35 41
2:00 pm *6 13 29 36 27 17 *1
3:00 pm - - 4 5 39 25 40
4:00-5:00 pm Utah Water Users Association Business Meeting in Sunbrook A/B
Financial Report—Election of Officers
6:30 pm Banquet—Entertainment—Ryan Shupe & “The Rubber Bands”
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
7:00-9:00 am Registration for Workshop
8:30-am General Session B—Utah Water Outlook—Randy Julander and Brian McInerney, Garden Room
9:30-10:00 am Break—Refreshments in Vendor Exhibit Hall
Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Sunbrook Entrada Auditorium
10:00 am 16 3 7 15 28 *14 11
11:00 am 9 8 18 23 19 31 44
12:00 noon Lunch on your own – Meeting adjourned
2:00 pm Board of Water Resources Meeting, Crystal Inn