Sunday, July 1, 2012

June Board Minutes


June 13, 2012
The Strawberry Water Users Association Board of Directors held a regular board meeting in the Association’s office at Payson, Utah, Wednesday, June 13, 2012, at 7:00 p.m.
Thirteen directors were present with Dan Ellsworth, Scott Phillips and J. Merrill Hallam being absent.  Shawn Thomas was in attendance and recorded the minutes.
Vice President Quentin Francom conducted the meeting. Guy Larson offered the invocation and Quentin Francom led the group in the pledge of allegiance. Vice President Francom welcomed Debbie Vanoy from Central Utah Water Conservancy District and Alan Christensen with the Bureau of Reclamation to the meeting.
Approval of the Minutes 
Robert McMullin made a motion, seconded by Dale Rowley, approving the minutes of the regular board meeting held May 9, 2012.  It was unanimously approved.
Properties and Development Committee
Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects       Chairman Quentin Francom reported on the Maintenance & Water Conservation Projects and photos of the projects were shown.
Large Warehouse     Chairman Quentin Francom reported that Zion’s Bank came and moved the stuff they had rights to out of the warehouse. SWUA will try and sell the remaining inventory because Zion’s Bank signed it over to us. We will make attempts to sell the items leftover in the warehouse to make a partial payment on rent, repairs, and cleaning.  The construction foreman is getting bids for these items.
Small Warehouse     Kevin Anderson asked what is going on with Hathaway it appears they have more trucks here all the time I am concerned about damage to the asphalt. Are they being allowed to do more than what is in their agreement? Chairman Francom responded and reported that they are just about caught up on their rent.
Nephi Property          Chairman Francom reported that Greenline Equipment Group that was interested in SWUA’s Nephi property cancelled the meeting they had scheduled with us.
Chairman Francom suggested that we pursue selling the land.
Robert McMullin made a motion, seconded by Blair Hamilton, approving the General Manager discusses with realtor/agent listing the Nephi property and bring a proposal back to the board for review. It was unanimously approved.
Calvin Crandall arrived to the meeting at 7:18 p.m.
Vice President Francom turned the meeting over to President Crandall.
Robert McMullin reported that individuals at IFA have had people approach them about possibly putting a rail head at the site near SWUA’s IFA property. Robert suggested the committee spend some time and research this.
Friends of Strawberry           Kelly Lewis reported on the Friends of Strawberry meeting.
Water Policy Committee
Footnote 6     Chairman Garry Brown gave an update on the status of footnote 6.
Old Fields      Chairman Brown reported that a meeting was held concerning old fields. SWUA’s council reinforced that it is our duty to represent the shareholders interest in the matter. The water will go back on the lots (this property previously known as Pages). SWUA has spent many hours on this project by staff. Caren Kirk will attempt to create a historical outline of the old fields and time spent by staff.
Finance Committee
Disbursements and Expenses
Kelly Lewis made a motion, seconded by Guy Larson, approving payment of the invoices, and checks previously written as presented.  It was unanimously approved.
Property & Liability Insurance Renewal Proposal Chairman Anderson reported that the Committee reviewed the proposals for SWUA’s property and liability insurance. The Committee recommends Arch’s proposal with a premium of $78,101 and Utah Workers Compensation Fund with a premium of $8,846
Robert McMullin made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving the Arch premium of $78,101 and the $8,846 proposal from the Utah Workers Compensation Fund.  It was unanimously approved.
Financial Reports and Investments Chairman Kevin Anderson reported on SWUA’s investments.
Irrigation Committee
River Commissioner's Report           Chairman Jesse Warren reviewed the Spanish Fork River Commissioner’s written report that is maintained in SWUA’s files.  
Change of Place of Use and Water Deeds          
Robert McMullin made a motion, seconded by Guy Larson, approving:
1.    A Water Deed request made by Margaret J. Backus to Nicholas and Rachel Button Serial No. 624.014 for a total of 1.00 acre foot.
            It was unanimously approved.

Signed Water Dedication Agreements (WDA)     Were not discussed.
Chairman Warren reported that the committee recommends not holding the public officials Bar B Que this fall due to budget issues.
Guy Larson made a motion, seconded by Kevin Anderson, approving that due to budget short falls this year’s Public Officials Bar B Que be cancelled.  It was approved with a vote of 8 in favor and 6 opposed.
Quentin Francom asked what SWUA’s fees are to administer the CUWCD rental water. Staff reviewed some of the fee’s we charge to administer this but to ensure we are giving accurate information I would have to get the breakdown to make sure I am covering all of the costs.
Robert McMullin recommended that the Water Policy committee review this matter and bring back a recommendation.
There was some discussion on canal company losses and delivery of the bank. The water policy committee will continue discussing these matters and bring it back to the board when they have a recommendation.
Power Committee
Lobbyist Report    Chairman Robert McMullin gave a status report on the lobbyist.

Generation     Chairman McMullin reported on the hydro generation for May 2012

Spanish Fork Flow Control Structure Power Plant (SFFCSPP) Chairman McMullin reported that we had a meeting with SESD and CUWCD to discuss the SFFCSPP.  There were three items on the agenda for discussion 1. Optimal location; 2. Optimal sizing; 3. Confirm and refine project financing. It was determined to proceed with these three items would cost approximately $15,000. Our committee determined that we would like to proceed our share would be $5,000.

Quentin Francom made a motion, seconded by Kelly Lewis, approving the funds up to $5,000 to proceed with this phase of the Spanish Fork Flow Control Structure Power Plant engineering.  It was unanimously approved.

Spanish Fork City Dam        Chairman McMullin recently attended a meeting concerning the City Dam after engineering was done it was determined that it is not practical to generate power at the location of the new dam.  SWUA paid $4,000 to have engineering done for a determination on generation.

Public Affairs Committee No report.
Executive Committee        No report.
Other Business                  
Blair Hamilton indicated that Fred Vincent and Wayne Peterson have requested a reduced rate from SESD on a pump that has a demand meter that they will be using. Blair asked if SWUA is willing to reduce their rate. Blair asked if Spanish Fork Southeast Irrigation Company could possible use rehabilitation funds for this.
Garry Brown asked who will be using the water that is pumped. Blair indicated that Spanish Fork City will use the water. Maybe, possibly Spanish Fork Southeast Irrigation Company.
There was much discussion about this issue. Many felt that if you do this for some you need to do it for all.
Recharge Project
Alan Christensen discussed the Spring Creek recharge project and indicated that SWUA may want to become familiar with it.
Garry Brown was directed to check with Jay Franson about this project.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.